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Ali Waheed rejoins MDP

Malika Shahid
07 December 2023, MVT 15:00
[File] Ali Waheed
Malika Shahid
07 December 2023, MVT 15:00

Former Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) chairperson Ali Waheed has rejoined the party.

In a post on 'X', he stated that he had "returned home again" after seven years and seven days as a member of the party.

"I will continue to serve MDP, the entire country, and the people of the Maldives with courage and determination for success," said Ali Waheed, who recently served as the President of the Jumhooree Party (JP) and was the election agent of the party's candidate Qasim Ibrahim in the last presidential election.

He served as the Tourism Minister under former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. However, he was dismissed for alleged sexual harassment of employees in the Tourism Ministry.

While serving as the MDP Chairperson, Ali Waheed had previously traveled abroad due to the political unrest during former President Abdullah Yameen's administration. However, he later resigned because he could not devote enough time to the work of the MDP.

Later, Ali Waheed joined the Jumhooree Party. However, he lost his position following an amendment to JP's general regulation.

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