The parliament's National Development and Heritage committee met with the student unions of local colleges and universities to hear their opinions on the amendment to the Higher Education Act.
With the duration of granting colleges with university status up for debate following an amendment proposed to the Higher Education Act, Student Unions of Maldives National University (MNU), Villa College, and Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) have differed in their opinions of what the duration should be.
While the Higher Education Act currently says that a college must operate for 20 consecutive years before being granted the status of a university. However, the amendment proposed to the Act by MP of south Maafannu constituency Abdulla Rifaau (Bochey) suggests this duration be reduced to 15 years.
A meeting was held by the National Development and Heritage Committee of the parliament where Student Unions from MNU, Villa College and IUM were in attendance. During the meeting, MNU and Villa College's Student Unions supported the new amendment while IUM's Student Union preferred the duration to remain as 20 years.
President of IUM's Student Union Hussain Arubaan Fawwaz said that maintaining the duration to grant colleges with university status at 20 years is good. That is because a lot of experience can be attained during that time, he said.
Additionally, Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA) needs to establish a rating system, and the space constraints faced by colleges needs to be resolved before becoming a university, he said.
In the meeting, Villa College's Student Union was represented by Hussain Junaan, who said that the duration is not very important, which is why they believe it is okay to reduce the mandatory duration from 20 to 15 years.
However, if a duration is being determined, the most important aspect to consider is experience. Villa College's student Shaana Umar added that the quality and standard of programmes must be maintained and that they suggest to include a roadmap to the bill. The purpose of this is to shape all universities the same way, she said.
Jailam Mohamed, also from Villa College, said that allowing private colleges to become universities would reduce the expenses made by students to go abroad for higher education. If this opportunity is made available, students will be able to stay with their families and continue their studies, he said.
Speaking on behalf of MNU's Student Union, the union's president Arushad Ashraf pointed out the long duration it took for MNU to become a university, and said that even if a duration is set, it is more important to have a proper monitoring system in place.
He highlighted that while MNU is one of the oldest universities in the country, the institution still lacks facilities needed by the students, and urged that this is something that needs to be resolved. He also mentioned that the fees taken by colleges are currently high, and suggested that colleges which become universities established student accommodation facilities on or near the campus.
As part of understanding the matter in more detail, the National Development and Heritage Committee of the parliament summoned relevant authorities to the committee's meeting last Monday. The authorities also suggested that quality should be considered in favour of duration in the matter.
[File] Graduation of Maldives Islamic University students -- Photo: Mihaaru