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Footage from Athhar's prison cell raises questions around police actions

Adam Athhar, arrested for holding a woman hostage on Thursday night, took his own life by hanging, in the Dhoonidhoo prison cell where he was being held. He remained in the position for 30 minutes without police guarding the prison becoming aware of his action

Mariyath Mohamed
03 September 2024, MVT 16:21
Mariyath Mohamed
03 September 2024, MVT 16:21

Adam Athhar, arrested for holding a woman hostage on Thursday night, took his own life by hanging, in the Dhoonidhoo prison cell where he was being held. He remained in the position for 30 minutes without police guarding the prison becoming aware of his actions.

Following these events coming to light, many have raised questions about the level of monitoring Police conduct on people arrested for dangerous crimes.

Recently, another inmate died while lying prostrate in prayer in his cell, and remained undiscovered for many hours. Following that incident, the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology assured that monitoring in prisons will be improved.

Homeland Security Minister Ali Ihusan met with reporters last night in an 'off the record' meeting, where footage from Athhar's cell was shown to the press. The video has also been shared with Athhar's family. The main reason why the footage was shown to media was in response to rumours circulating on social media alleging involvement of police brutality in Athhar's death.

At the meeting, many reporters posed questions regarding monitoring of the prison cells, but Police did not provide any response.

Minister Ihusan said that it can only be decided whether polices actions were right or wrong after investigations into circumstances surrounding Athhar's death has been concluded. Both the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) and National Integrity Commission (NIC) are conducting related investigations. Police are also carrying out an internal investigation into officers' actions in the case.

The footage from Athhar's cell at the time of the incident clearly shows Athhar hanging himself, and shows when his body becomes motionless, Mihaaru News reports. However, the main questions that arise from watching the video is around police actions.

The CCTV footage covers the time when Athhar began preparations for taking his own life, to when he actually carried out the act. However, no police officers observed this at the time although the set up allows for around the clock monitoring.

When journalists asked why Police are not constantly monitoring footage from the camera, all officers and officials declined from answering as it relates to an ongoing investigation. However, Mihaaru News reports that it is not convenient for police to monitor this footage as it is cast on a small screen.

As an inmate may attempt to commit suicide due to psychological issues arisen while in custody, some materials are prohibited from being taken into cells. There are guidelines around prohibiting such material in the cells of people believed to be at risk of self harm or other such acts.

However, as no medical reports received by Police indicated Athhar had any psychological issues, the same guidelines were not applied to him, and he wasn't monitored as a risk, Police said last night.

While this is so, Athhar, when holding his partner hostage at knifepoint, had held another knife in his other hand as well, with this one being held at his own throat. Police also showed footage of this to media last night.

Under these circumstances, it is unclear how Police reached the conclusion that Athhar does not pose a danger to himself.

Although Athhar was initially discharged from ADK Hospital after receiving treatment for injuries sustained during arrest, he was later re-hospitalized at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital for further observation following complications. He was then discharged from IGMH as well, citing reports as normal, and taken into custody. Athhar made the attempt to take his own life within 24 hours of being discharged from IGMH.

As seen in footage shown by Police last night, no officers were in the vicinity of Athhar's cell at the time of the incident. It shows that Athhar began efforts to take his own life at 18:32 hrs on Sunday. His body became limp and motionless at 18:38 hrs. However, he was first seen by an officer who was walking past the cell about 30 minutes after this. The officer immediately opened the cell and went in, with more officers entering the cell at 19:02, cutting down the material Athhar used to hang himself, and placing him on the floor. He remained motionless even at this time.

After placing him on the floor, Police are first seen to wait at the scene. No efforts were made to provide CPR or emergency treatment. After a few minutes, he was carried onto a stretcher and taken to the Dhoonidhoo Medical Centre. He was carried out of the cell at 19:05 hrs.

After this, he was brought to Male' on a speed boat and taken to IGMH in an ambulance. While receiving treatment at the Intensive Care Unit at IGMH, he passed away at 16:08 hrs yesterday.

A timeline of the incident released by Police yesterday said that Athhar was discovered at 19:02 hrs. Eight minutes later, at 19:14 hours he was was brought in a speed boat to Male' and transferred to IGMH by 19:25 hrs. According to this, 23 minutes were spent between discovering him and taking him to hospital. However, the timeline does not say when he was last seen safe.

Police have decided to do an autopsy to determine cause of death.

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