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Imthiyaz elected as Democrats President, Waheed as Vice President

However, as no other members submitted nominations, the election committee decided to appoint Imthiyaz and Waheed to the roles without holding a vote.

Malika Shahid
27 January 2025, MVT 13:07
Imthiyaz Fahmy during an earlier interview with Mihaaru News Imthiyaz Fahmy during an earlier interview with Mihaaru News
Imthiyaz Fahmy during an earlier interview with Mihaaru News
Malika Shahid
27 January 2025, MVT 13:07

Imthiyaz Fahmy (Inthi) has been elected as the President of The Democrats, while Mohamed Waheed (Waddey) has been elected as the party's Vice President.

These positions became vacant following the resignation of the party’s former President, Hassan Latheef, and Vice President, Mohamed Shifaz, who joined Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

The primary elections for these positions were initially scheduled for February 15, with the deadline for nomination submissions set for last Thursday.

However, as no other members submitted nominations, the election committee decided to appoint Imthiyaz and Waheed to the roles without holding a vote.

The Democrats’ general regulations state that the President and Vice President should be elected via secret ballot, but they do not outline procedures for uncontested nominations.

Following the precedent set in earlier elections for other positions, the committee chose to elect the two unopposed.

According to The Democrats’ general regulations, if the President's post becomes vacant, one of the Vice Presidents assumes the role temporarily.

Former Madaveli MP Hussain Firushan was serving as the party’s Acting President.

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