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Agriculture to be taught as a separate subject in schools

Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare has announced that deliberations are in progress with the Ministry of Education to introduce Agriculture as a subject in all schools.

Mariyath Mohamed
31 January 2024, MVT 08:42
Students of Bodu Folhadhoo School in a watermelon field they have planted in school.-- Photo: Bodu Folhadhoo School
Mariyath Mohamed
31 January 2024, MVT 08:42

Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare has announced that they intend to introduce agriculture as a separate subject in all schools countrywide.

State Minister Hussain Ismail confirmed to Mihaaru News that discussions are currently ongoing with the Ministry of Education on implementing the decision within the year.

It has not been decided yet which grade the subject will be commenced from.

Although agriculture is currently not a subject officially endorsed by the Ministry, some schools have been teaching it on their own initiative.

Students of Ghiyasuddeen School in a garden established at the school to promote interest in agriculture.-- Photo: Ghiyasudeen School

Some schools have dedicated plots within their grounds where various produce is grown, while others farm fish and through that have set up aquaponics systems, growing lettuce and similar produce in water.

Funds raised through agriculture programs of schools are often utilized on student and school activities.