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Zulfa dismissed as LGA's CEO, Named Foreign Ministry's State Minister

Dr. Zulfa has been transferred to the Foreign Ministry, and dismissed from LGA.

Ameera Osmanagic
04 August 2024, MVT 22:10
Dr. Zulfa during her official appointment ceremony at the President's Office in December 2023.
Ameera Osmanagic
04 August 2024, MVT 22:10

The Maldivian government has dismissed Dr. Mariyam Zulfa from the post of CEO of Local Government Authority (LGA), and has named her a state minister at the Foreign Ministry.

Zulfa was initially appointed to the role of LGA's CEO back in December 2023.

Minister of City, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef told local media outlet Mihaaru that Zulfa was transferred to the Foreign Ministry as a State Minister. However, he did not reveal a reason for this decision.

During Zulfa's time at the LGA, the authority faced scrutiny for ordering the cancellation of a statement issued by N. Kendhikulhudhoo Council, in which the council accused the government of misusing public property during the most recent parliamentary elections. At the time, even the government took a stand against LGA's decision.

Up until her appointment to LGA, Zulfa served as a board member to Melbourne, Australia's National Parks Advisory Council of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. Prior to that, she also served as the Tourism Minister during former President Mohamed Nasheed's administration.