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MDP will endorse government's Economic Reform bills

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group (PG) has said that it endorses the Economic Reform bills submitted by the government to overcome the financial difficulties currently faced by the country.

Mariyath Mohamed
04 July 2024, MVT 11:31
Mariyath Mohamed
04 July 2024, MVT 11:31

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group (PG) has said that it endorses the Economic Reform bills submitted by the government to overcome the financial difficulties currently faced by the country.

In a press conference held by MDP's PG at the Parliament offices yesterday, South Hulhumale' MP Dr Ahmed Shamheed stated that what the party supports will be seen within parliament. He said that there are three bills related to reform currently in parliament, and that the party will endorse all three.

"This includes reform agenda which MDP proposed budget for in 2024, such as subsidy reform, that is something we support."

However, he asserted that MDP will not endorse reducing the price of fish.

He said that crucial actions necessary to lower expenses include decreasing political appointments and bringing down operational costs. He said that the largest expenses at present are political appointments, with about MVR 800,000 having been spent on salaries for such positions as of now.

"Unless we bring down these expenses, we cannot convince international financial institutions that we are serious about saving Maldives," he said.

Shamheed stated that if actions are taken in accordance with advice from international financial institutions, then MDP would extend their support.

Kendhoo MP Mauroof Zakir said that it is obligatory to provide the information when a Right to Information application is submitted to find out the exact number of political appointments. He expressed concerns about the government continuing to refuse to disclose these details.

He explained that this is the reason why the matter had to be submitted to parliament as an emergency motion.

The emergency motion submitted by South Galolhu MP Meekail Naseem regarding the government's failure to disclose the number of political appointees and the amount being spent on salaries at State Owned Enterprises was rejected by parliament on Tuesday.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has decided that no appointments will be made to senior political positions owing to the financial situation the country is in. The President's Office has also said that the number of political appointments will be released.

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