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Monsoon waves cause destruction in several islands

Mohamed Rehan
02 July 2022, MVT 10:25
The island of GDh. Madaveli reported significant damages to some of the island's residences--
Mohamed Rehan
02 July 2022, MVT 10:25

Maldives National Disaster Management Authority (MNDMA) reports of large monsoon waves flooding several islands.

The authority also reports that three of these islands had sustained significant and varying degrees of damage and destruction.

According to the authority, the affected areas due to stormy weather and rough ocean waves include ADh. Fenfulhi, Lh. Kurendhoo, L. Maavah, GA. Kolamaafushi, four islands from GDh. atoll, nine islands from Thaa atoll and Addu atoll.

Out of the affected islands, the heaviest destruction toll were reported from Maradhoo, Maradhoo-Feydhoo of Addu atoll and Madaveli of Gaaf Dhaal, as per the Deputy CEO of MNDMA Mr. Umar Fikry.

The president of Madaveli council Mr. Fiyaz Hassan confirmed 98 percent of the island was affected from flooding while flood immersed to 60 percent of the island's residences.

Moreover, four of the island's families have been temporarily accommodated at the Youth Center over significant destruction to their properties.

Several household and food items from 53 of the residences in the island were reportedly destroyed beyond salvage.

The island community is currently attempting to pump out the water, said Mr. Hassan.

Other severely affected places in the atoll include Hoadehdhoo causeway.

On the other hand, 50 residences from Addu atoll Maradhoo suffered flooding while families in two of these residences were provided with temporary accommodation.

Maradhoo-Feydhoo reports 30 houses had been immersed with flood water.

The city's Mayor Mr. Ali Nizar confirms of preparatory attempts by residents against another possible wave of floods. Residents have been barricading their houses with homemade groynes using sand bags.

Earlier, the Maldives Meteorological Service had cautioned of strong monsoon waves and flooding from central to southern parts of the country.

The authority has issued a white alert to the aforementioned zone claiming the parts will experience heavy rain and thunderstorms with strong winds of 22 to 27 miles per hour and gusts of 45 miles per hour with rough seas.

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