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COVID-19 got you stuck? Need something dropped off? Try 'Mihaaru' for your delivery needs

Ahmed Aiham
01 April 2020, MVT 09:34
Home Delivery Covid-19
Ahmed Aiham
01 April 2020, MVT 09:34

Local media company 'Mihaaru', has launched its own 'Home Delivery Services', offering well placed, efficient solutions to businesses boosted by its vast and loyal readership.

Launched to help businesses cope with the government's temporary closure of food and retail outlets within the Greater Male' Region on March 22, the listing brings together two elements key to the survival of businesses in a time of crisis - marketability and trust.

Since shops closed doors in the capital region, there has been a rapid upsurge in demand for takeaway or delivery options across various sectors.

'Mihaaru's listing caters to five main categories:

- Bakeries, Cafe's and Restaurants

- Grocery stores

- Hardware shops

- Electronics

- Home and Living

In short, 'Mihaaru' delivery satisfies all the essential must-haves on your shopping list, while the social distancing measures are in place and the public stays safe.

"It is important to bridge service providers and consumers through these platforms, which are utilized by thousands of people on a daily basis", reads a statement released by Mihaaru.

The listing boasts renowned local companies such as Veligaa Hardware, Sonee Hardware, Albion Store, Redwave Electronics and restaurants the likes of Seagull Cafe, The Kitchen, Mamak, and more.

Through the page, consumers can access the outlet's catalogue of items and prices.

"It is not wise to be out these days. Authorities are urging everyone to stay put, nestled in the safety of our homes", affirmed Mihaaru. " That is why businesses have taken to doing deliveries - as a form of support".

"And that is why we've stepped in, we're here to do our part to help".

Interested businesses may inquire for more details or purchase one of the coveted slots in the Mihaaru delivery listing by calling +960-7970180 .

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