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MDP MPs wish to submit no-confidence motion against Nasheed

Lamya Abdulla
31 July 2022, MVT 11:03
(FILE) Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed at a parliament session: A no-confidence motion against Nasheed has not been submitted officially yet, even though MDP parliamentarians have been discussing the possibility of it  -- Photo: Parliament (FILE) Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed at a parliament session: A no-confidence motion against Nasheed has not been submitted officially yet, even though MDP parliamentarians have been discussing the possibility of it  -- Photo: Parliament
(FILE) Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed at a parliament session: A no-confidence motion against Nasheed has not been submitted officially yet, even though MDP parliamentarians have been discussing the possibility of it -- Photo: Parliament
Lamya Abdulla
31 July 2022, MVT 11:03

Maldives Democratic Party’s (MDP) parliamentary group leader Mohamed Aslam said on Saturday evening that some MDP parliamentarians have been working to submit a no-confidence motion against Parliament Speaker and MDP’s President Mohamed Nasheed.

Answering a question asked by Mihaaru news, Aslam said that some parliamentarians wish to remove Nasheed from his position as he has allegedly been spreading false rumors against President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

"They call me and say that we don't want Nasheed to be placed in office [the Speaker of the People's Majlis]." - MDP’s Parliamentary Group leader Mohamed Aslam

In a message sent to the WhatsApp group on Friday evening, Nasheed said he had received four photographs of President Solih allegedly having sexual intercourse with a woman Nasheed is related to. He had asked if he should submit the photographs to the police. However, when the members had requested they be allowed to see the photographs or to go forward with the case after submitting the photos to the police officially, Nasheed had not responded.

Regarding Nasheed’s statement, President’s Office’s spokesperson Mabrook Azeez had said on Friday that President Solih has assured that he had not conducted any activity that Nasheed had accused him of.

Aslam said he had received calls from a number of parliamentarians requesting to submit a no-confidence vote against Nasheed.

“However, no official proposal has been made yet. I have said that this can only be done if it is officially submitted. When they officially submitted the case to me, a PG group [meeting] will be held and I will proceed with it as passed," said Aslam, who is the MP for North Hithadhoo constituency.

"They call me and say that we don't want Nasheed to be placed in office [the Speaker of the People's Majlis]."

Some parliamentarians wish to remove him as the parliamentarian for the Central Machangoalhi constituency as well. However, the parliament is currently in recess and will begin again in the middle of next month. According to the regulations, the reason for the dismissal of the Speaker of the Parliament must be stated in the resolution.

While the infighting between President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed is at an all time high right now, MDP’s parliament majority, is siding with President Solih at the moment.

The disagreement has become compounded by the fact Nasheed’s younger brother Nazim Sattar was arrested after videos were leaked where Nazim was allegedly having homosexual relations.