Police said on Tuesday the information they provided previously about Mohamed Misbah regarding his connection to a foreign drug network was correct.
They had first announced he was missing in May, upon his family's request. His family had reported him as missing after being unable to figure out his whereabouts for several months. He had moved to Male' late last year, before which he was living in Haa Dhaalu Nolhivaramfaru.
Police had said last week Misbah was taken abroad to be kept as a "guarantor" for a foreign drug network he was working for. However, a nine second video was made public on Monday evening by a man claiming to be Misbah. He had stated that he was not associated with any drug networks and that the Police was spreading false information about him.
The video, shot in front of a bunch of trees, does not make it clear when or where it was taken.
Police said they are sure the man in the video is the 25 year old Misbah. They added that they were looking more into this issue now.
According to the Police, Misbah was taken abroad via Fly Dubai on November 11, 2020, by Irufan Thagiyyu, a high ranking personnel that works with aforementioned drug network. This network was caught importing nearly 72 kilos of drugs last December.
After taking Misabah abroad, Irufan came back to Maldives via Emirates on November 22. Instead of returning to Maldives with Irufan, Misbah had boarded another flight and gone to Pakistan from Dubai, on a Fly Dubai flight, Police said.