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Aneesa resigns from Flat Committee

Aneesa Ahmed has resigned on Tuesday from her position as a member of the independent committee which was set up to advise the Housing Ministry on issues pertaining to land plots and flats allocated during the previous government.

Mariyath Mohamed
27 March 2024, MVT 08:50
Aneesa Ahmed, attending the Presidential Address earlier this year.
Mariyath Mohamed
27 March 2024, MVT 08:50

Aneesa Ahmed has resigned on Tuesday from her position as a member of the independent committee which was set up to advise the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development on issues pertaining to land plots and flats allocated during the previous government.

Aneesa, who served as the Chair of the five member committee, stated that she had submitted her resignation as she is unable to dedicate the required amount of time to the committee's work due to health related constraints.

She explained that to date, she has only been able to attend a single meeting and hence, felt it prudent to tender her resignation in light of her health situation.

The remaining four members of the committee are Abdul Azeez Yoosuf, Aiminath Eanas, Ahmed Ali Manik and Mariyam Fizana Rasheed.

Before accepting the position in the Housing Committee, Aneesa served as Chair of the National Awards Committee. She earlier resigned from that position as well citing health related reasons.

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