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Lower court judges also required to wear judicial robes during hearings

All lower court judges will be required to wear the judicial robe during hearings starting October 2024.

Ameera Osmanagic
09 June 2024, MVT 16:50
[File] High Court judges wearing the judicial robe during a case -- Photo: High Court
Ameera Osmanagic
09 June 2024, MVT 16:50

The Supreme Court today announced its decision to mandate all lower court judges to wear judicial robes during hearings.

While only High Court and Supreme Court judges were required to wear the robes prior to this decision, lower court judges were able to wear black or navy blue suites at trials.

However, with the Supreme Court's decision, all judges will now be required to wear the robes starting 1st October, 2024.

The decision further detailed that the robe will have to be in compliance with the model decided upon by the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA), and that DJA will be required to provide all lower court judges with the robes within four months of the regulation coming into effect.

As per the decision, the department will also be required to provide new robes once every two years.

The Maldivian court system has four hierarchies. Magistrate courts located in each of the country's residential islands, superseded by the superior courts consisting of Criminal Court, Family Court, Drug Court, Civil Court and the Juvenile Court, all which are located in the capital Malé City. The next two levels are the High Court and Supreme Court.

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