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MMA licences Dhiraagu's fintech company

Dhiraagu has a new subsidiary Dhiraagu Fintech, which was licensed by MMA today.

Ameera Osmanagic
20 August 2024, MVT 19:10
From the licence issuing ceremony at MMA -- Photo: MMA
Ameera Osmanagic
20 August 2024, MVT 19:10

Central bank, Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) has issued Dhiraagu's subsidiary company, Dhiraagu Fintech Private Limited it's operating license today.

MMA said that they licensed Dhiraagu Fintech Private Limited to provide payment services required for electronic money issuing services. The license was issued as per the country's National Payment System Act, said MMA.

With this license, Dhiraagu will transfer its existing electronic money issuance services to Dhiraagu Fintech, the bank further added.

Dhiraagu currently has digital wallet services available, under the name Dhiraagu Pay, which allows customers to pay for goods and services, deposit money and transfer money between individuals from any network and mobile phone device.

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