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Ahmed Niyaz Assumes Role as Managing Director of MTDC

Rabeeha Amir
30 November 2023, MVT 12:36
MTDC 15th Anniversary event / Business
Rabeeha Amir
30 November 2023, MVT 12:36

Ahmed Niyaz, a pivotal figure since the initial stages of MTDC's operations, has been appointed as the new Managing Director of the company.

With a master's degree in business administration from the UK, Niyaz boasts an extensive history with MTDC. Until Tuesday, he held the position of Deputy Managing Director since 2016 and had previously served as the Board Director and Operations and Development Manager.

Having initially taken on the role at MTDC in 2007, Niyaz has contributed significantly to the company's growth over the years. Beyond his responsibilities at MTDC, Niyaz has also chaired several state-owned enterprises. His tenure includes serving as Chairman of MTCC from 2016-2018 and Chairman of STO from 2013-2016. Additionally, he held the position of Board Director at STO for over a year.

Thazmeel Abdul Samad served as the preceding Managing Director of MTDC.

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