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CHSE re-commences classes with 400 students

The government of Maldives has decided to reopen CHSE, and classes commenced today with over 400 students.

Ameera Osmanagic
01 September 2024, MVT 19:19
Re-opening of CHSE today -- Photo: Education Ministry
Ameera Osmanagic
01 September 2024, MVT 19:19

Malé's long running A-Level school, Center for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), has re-commenced classes with more than 400 students today in its original building behind Aminiya School.

The building was decommissioned in August of last year, and the school's operations were moved to a new building in Hulhumalé. However, Education Ministry decided to re-start classes at the original building after determining that the lack of an A- level school in Malé was inconvenient for students and parents alike.

Education Minister Dr. Ismail Shafeeu said that the school would become the best higher secondary education institution in Malé, with an enjoyable and comfortable learning environment for students.

The minister also said that opening the school would reduce the number of students travelling between Malé and Hulhumalé as well.

The Minister also revealed that while over 400 students are currently enrolled in the school, more students have also requested to be enrolled there.

With the re-opening, former Dharumavantha School principal of 17 years, Abdulla Didi, was appointed as CHSE's newest principal.

Although CHSE has reopened in Malé, the government still plans to continue classes in Hulhumalé as well.

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