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President inaugurates medical room at Social Centre

Mariyath Mohamed
16 January 2024, MVT 11:00
President Dr Muizzu (Centre), Sports Minister Rafiu (Left) and Sports Commissioner Tholal (Right) at the inauguration of the medical room at Social Centre last night.-- Photo: President's Office.
Mariyath Mohamed
16 January 2024, MVT 11:00

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has inaugurated the medical room - Minimum Medical Requirements Facility - at the Social Centre last night.

The event was also attended by Minister of Sports, Recreation and Fitness Abdulla Rafiu, Commissioner of Sports Mohamed Tholal and senior members from the Olympic Committee and other sports associations.

Establishment of this medical facility falls under the President's initiative to provide medical facilities at all key locations where national and international sports events are held.

These medical facilities are equipped to provide first aid services at the location, and to organize transfers to hospitals in cases where more intensive care is required.

After the inauguration, the President also observed the special basketball match held at social centre last night to mark the beginning of the season.

The match, played between two teams compiled with players from the six men's first division teams playing this season, was won by Team B (members of Raptors, T-Rex and Royals) with 61-68 points. Team A had members of Stingers, Red Wings and Kings.