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Ahmed Adam elected as South Asian Basketball Association President

Malika Shahid
15 January 2023, MVT 17:44
MBA president Ahmed Adam: He has been elected as the President of the South Asian Basketball Association -- Photo: MBA
Malika Shahid
15 January 2023, MVT 17:44

Maldives Basketball Association (MBA) President Ahmed Adam has been elected as the President of the South Asian Basketball Association (SABA).

Adam was elected as president with the unanimous vote of all five countries attending the SABA congress in Bangalore yesterday.

Adam who played in inter-office basketball and second division tournaments was elected president of the MBA in 2019. He re-entered the sport after a long absence, to serve as treasurer of the association in the 2016 election.

Yesterday, the Congress also elected Chander Mukhi Sharma, of India, as the General Secretary of SABA. Chander, is the general secretary of the Basketball Federation of India and has held that position since 2015. He is also the president of the Chandigarh Basketball Association.

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