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President's letter to Mauritius will be disclosed to 241 committee upon request: PO

Lamya Abdulla
09 June 2023, MVT 00:25
President's Office's Spokesperson Mohamed Miuwan speaking at a press conference on Thursday, June 8, 2023 -- Photo: President's Office President's Office's Spokesperson Mohamed Miuwan speaking at a press conference on Thursday, June 8, 2023 -- Photo: President's Office
President's Office's Spokesperson Mohamed Miuwan speaking at a press conference on Thursday, June 8, 2023 -- Photo: President's Office
Lamya Abdulla
09 June 2023, MVT 00:25

The President's Office stated that they would provide the letter from President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to the Prime Minister of Mauritius if requested by the parliamentary Security Committee (241 Committee).

The letter was sent after Mauritius had filed a case with International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) over the issue of the disputed ocean area between Maldives and Mauritius.

While speaking at the weekly press conference held at the President's Office, Spokesperson Mohamed Miuvaan said correspondence between two countries have always been confidential.

"The President's letter to the Prime Minister of Mauritius will be shared with the 241 committee if requested. These are not things done in secrecy. The documents submitted by Maldives are available on the ITLOS' website as well," Miuvaan said.

"The Attorney General's Office is also making efforts through social media to make people aware of the work that has been done. Those works will be visible as well."

Miuvaan added that accusations made against the government stating they have been concealing facts relating to this issue are politically motivated, with the intent to spread misinformation.

Some opposition lawmakers arrived at the President's Office on Tuesday to seek the president's letter to Mauritius. They included members of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), People's National Congress (PNC), The Democrats, and Maldives National Party (MNP).

The President's Office had said then as well that the letter could be disclosed to the 241 Committee.

Speaking at a press conference held after Maldivian Democratic Party's (MDP) parliamentary group approved a no-confidence motion against Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed, Chairman of the Committee on Security Services (241) and Hithadhoo MP Mohamed Aslam said that the committee will seek the letter sent by the President to the Prime Minister of Mauritius.