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29 phones seized from 8 units in Maafushi Prison

Police have seized 29 phones, various other electronic devices and alcohol from eight units of Maafushi prison which they searched under the ongoing operation.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 July 2024, MVT 19:44
Mariyath Mohamed
01 July 2024, MVT 19:44

Police have seized 29 phones, various other electronic devices and alcohol from eight units of Maafushi prison which they searched under the ongoing operation.

Police, MNDF and Maldives Correctional Service are currently conducting a special operation to intercept what they suspect to be a network of people, including prison guards, who are smuggling contraband into prisons.

Police said that these items were seized today in an operation at Maafushi Prison where they are aiming to seize contraband and put an end to illegal activities being carried out within the prison.

The items seized in today's operation from Maafushi Prison are:

- 29 mobile phones

- 17 chargers

- 12 headsets

- 3 pen drives

- 3 airpods

- 3 cables

- 2 sim cards

- 4 bottles of bootleg alcohol

Police are currently investigating the matter after having seized these items.

This operation was run jointly by 183 Police officers, 81 MNDF officers, and 40 Corrections officers.

Under the larger operation, 18 prison officers are suspected of being part of the network complicit in supplying contraband to inmates. Out of these, 13 have been arrested so far, and placed in remand in custody.

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