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Yameen submits complaint to SC over PG lawyer

Mariyam Malsa
29 July 2019, MVT 12:13
Former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom en route to attend his Criminal Court hearing. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
29 July 2019, MVT 12:13

Former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom submitted a complaint to the Supreme Court regarding the lawyer from Prosecutor General's Office that represented the state during his money laundering trial.

Abdulla Shiyaz, a member of Yameen's legal team, stated that the complaint was lodged against Aishath Mohamed for making false statements during the televised trial held on July 21.

The complaint details that the PG Office lawyer had claimed that Yameen influenced witnesses, despite the High Court previously ruling that there was no evidence of such an act.

According to Shiyaz, Yameen's legal team only attained relevant documents recently and that the matter was submitted to the apex court since it concerned actions which took place during a court proceeding.

Yameen's second hearing was scheduled for early August, during which the former president will be given the opportunity to present witnesses.

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