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Ahusan appointed as Deputy Minister of Islamic Affairs

Mariyath Mohamed
28 November 2023, MVT 09:09
Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed previously presenting his new published book to now Deputy Minister Ali Ahusan.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
28 November 2023, MVT 09:09

Ali Ahusan, who has wide experience in leading roles at various religious organizations, has been appointed as Deputy Minister of Islamic Affairs.

Ahusan is the current President of the Islamic Organization for Culture and Civilization (IOCC). Previously, he served as its Vice President.

IOCC was founded by current Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed.

Ahusan, who worked in journalism for years, also previously served as a member of the Maldives Media Council (MMC). Publications he has worked for include Dhiislam Online, Dhiislam Magazine and Hidhaayathuge Ali Magazine.

His past positions include General Secretary of Jamiyyathul Rahma, Assistant Director of Ilm Institute, as well as conducting marketing and media relations at Maldives Hajj Corporation.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has been appointing persons to State Minister and Deputy Minister positions. So far, only one State Minister has been appointed to the Islamic Ministry; Dr Mohamed Shujau Abdul Hakeem.

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