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High cost to look after foreign drug peddlers: Minister Mariya

Malika Shahid
06 April 2023, MVT 16:58
Defence minister Mariya Ahmed Didi speaking at a parliament session -- Photo: Parliament
Malika Shahid
06 April 2023, MVT 16:58

The Minister of Defence, Mariya Ahmed Didi, revealed on Wednesday that people with serious illnesses often smuggle illicit drugs into the Maldives.

During a discussion at the parliament on the issue of deporting individuals who are caught smuggling drugs, Minister Mariya made a jarring revelation in response to a question raised by Maafannu Central MP Ibrahim "Bondey" Rasheed. She said that those who come with drugs are often suffering from serious diseases such as AIDS or kidney diseases.

Mariya said that there are already several of these individuals who are currently in state custody, and that it is very costly to look after them.

She noted that the regulations on drug smugglers allow them to be deported by court order, but that it is difficult to send them back after they have been jailed for long periods of time.

Immigration and customs officers opt to deport these drug smugglers instead of taking responsibility for their wellbeing, she said.

"This is being done because these individuals would otherwise have to be remanded at the expense of the state and the people. The regulation has been in practise for a long period of time now," Mariya said at the parliament.

Recently, the Maldives Immigration, which is under the Defense Ministry, introduced a regulation allowing the Immigration Controller the power to deport foreigners who smuggle drugs into the country. This move was heavily criticized by the public.