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Maldives reopens Embassy in the US

Mohamed Rehan
18 June 2023, MVT 09:12
During the ceremony held to officially inaugurate the new Maldives Embassy in the US. The new embassy is located in US capital, Washington D.C.-- Photo: US Department of State
Mohamed Rehan
18 June 2023, MVT 09:12

The Maldives government has once again opened its Embassy in the United States of America (USA). The embassy was opened in the capital city of USA, Washington D.C.

The inauguration ceremony for the new embassy in Washington D.C. on Friday, June 16 was officiated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid. Along with the Minister, the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs of the US Department of State, Donald Lu graced the ceremony as well.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lu said that the establishment of the Maldives embassy in the US is indicative of the States’ efforts to strengthen its ties with the countries in the South Asian region.

In 2022, Foreign Minister Shahid announced Maldivian government’s efforts to reopen its embassy in the US.

Prior to the establishment of the embassy, all foreign affairs dialogue between the US and the Maldivian government were exchanged through the US Embassy in Sri Lanka. Until now, the Maldives is represented in the US through the Maldives Mission established in the United Nations (UN).

A Maldivian embassy was previously established in the US briefly in 2007 during former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s administration. The embassy however, had to close down in 2008 by Gayoom’s presidential successor Mohamed Nasheed due to budgetary constraints.

While a Maldivian embassy has been established in the US, the American embassy in the Maldives has been operating for sometime, and was recently relocated to the Umar Zahir Building in Hulhumalé.

The Maldives government and the US established diplomatic bilateral ties in 1966.