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Bus service to be established for Villa International High School students living in Hulhumale'

Villa International High School has introduced bus services exclusively for students of the school residing in Hulhumale' which is set to begin on June 1. The service consists of a tracking system for parents and the school in order to ensure student safety.

Aishath Shuba Solih
14 May 2024, MVT 21:06
Principal of Villa High School, Saeed Ahmed and Owner of Amu Plus Constructions, Mohamed Afrah Abdul Saththar signing the agreement to provide exclusive bus services for Villa High School students. -- Photo: Villa International High School
Aishath Shuba Solih
14 May 2024, MVT 21:06

Villa International High School (VIHS) has decided to launch bus services exclusively for students of the school living in Hulhumale'.

The school has contracted Amu Plus Constructions, a company providing urban and suburban passenger land transport services, for this initiative.

Villa International High School Principal, Saeed Ahmed had signed the agreement from the school while the Owner of Amu Plus Constructions, Mohamed Afrah Abdul Saththar signed on behalf of the company.

Principal Saeed stated that many students of the high school are currently residing in Hulhumale and that the school has noticed that students are faced with challenges in commuting to school.

"There are about 150 students commuting to Male' from Hulhumale', including students living in Hulhumale' Phase 2. The decision to provide bus services was made to resolve issues such as late attendance," he said.

Principal of Villa High School, Saeed Ahmed and Owner of Amu Plus Constructions, Mohamed Afrah Abdul Saththar during the agreement signing to provide exclusive bus services for Villa High School students. -- Photo: Villa International High School

Principal Saeed further said that while providing this this service, the highest priority was placed on students' safety. He assured that necessary action will be implemented ensure this once the service begins.

"A system to track students from the moment they get on the bus until they enter the school has been arranged. Parents and the school will know once the student enters and gets off the bus. They can also monitor the locations of the bus as well," Saeed explained.

The service is set to begin on June 1 with three buses arranged exclusively for the school.

The Principal remarked that members of the public nor a student from another school can board the bus. He shared that the number of students who will receive the service and the bus service fee will be determined once the new academic school year begins.

The previous government had also planned to introduce exclusive bus services for students enrolled in Male' schools who live in Hulhumale'. However, the service remained halted due to challenges in sourcing buses.

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