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Marine Discovery Centre at Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru to hold marine biology internship for Baa Atoll Students

The Marine Discovery Centre of Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru is conducting two marine biology internships for students of Baa Atoll schools in May and June this year.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 April 2024, MVT 14:05
Marine discovery centre
Mariyath Mohamed
01 April 2024, MVT 14:05

The Marine Discovery Centre of Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru is conducting two marine biology internships for students of Baa Atoll schools in May and June this year.

These internships were commenced in 2023 with a focus on building awareness amongst the youth of the unique Maldivian ecosystem and the marine life.

The internship program is led by on-site Marine Biologists at the Marine Discovery Centre and is conducted in two stages.

The first stage involves a visit to Landaa from 24 students chosen from across the atoll of Baa. These students will be staying at Landaa from May 29 to June 1.

The students were selected from amongst over 50 applicants through conducting a short exam. Criteria for participating in the exam is that the student is of good academic standing, currently in grade 9, studying science stream and are members of the respective school's equivalent to an eco club.

The Stage 1 program, lasting three days, will explore topics such as coral conservation within Maldives, turtle rehabilitation and manta ray biology.

Dr. Katrina Himpson, Manager and Marine Biologist at the Marine Discovery Centre, said that the aim of this course is to give students an understanding of marine biology and conservation within the Maldives and to introduce this as a potential career path.

As Stage 1 progressors, the instructors will be assessing students to determine who will be progressing on to Stage 2 of the internship.

As such, 6 students from last year's Stage 1 batch have been chosen to take part in this year's Stage 2 program. This program is scheduled to run from July 1 to 6. The participants are all currently about to complete Grade 10.

"The aim of this course is to provide more in-depth information about marine biology, have the students actively participate in real-life conservation, and to introduce the various career paths of those working in this area," Dr Himpson explained.

Stage 2 students will be provided career support and guidance, as well as encouragement to follow marine biology as a career option.

The internship also serves the purpose of providing students participating in both stages the opportunity to learn how to interact with the marine environment responsibly, and the importance of marine conservation work, which they can take back to share with their communities, effectively spreading this important message far and wide.

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