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Weekend classes and extended hours to meet syllabus criteria

Schools are adapting to expedited academic years by extending teaching hours and incorporating Saturday classes to ensure comprehensive syllabus coverage. The ministry believes the syllabus can be covered without extending learning hours.

28 January 2024, MVT 18:37
New academic year-2018-Students-School-Education-Imadudheen School
28 January 2024, MVT 18:37

As the start of the new academic year approaches, several schools have extended teaching hours and introduced weekend classes to cover the syllabus.

According to some parents and teachers expediting the start of the new academic year necessitates Saturday classes to facilitate syllabus coverage. However, the ministry said that the syllabus can be covered without conducting extra weekend classes.

Initially, the ministry stated that even with an expedited start to the academic year, formal Saturday classes would not be implemented to cover the syllabus. However, the ministry clarified that certain schools conduct different classes on Saturdays, and no restrictions are imposed in this regard.

Teachers in some schools said they needed more time in school to cover the syllabus for higher grades and there were concerns about it.

"The syllabus of the last term was not covered by the beginning of this term, so we are now taking extra hours," a teacher said.

Another teacher highlighted that extending teaching hours could impose significant stress on students.

"The official school hours, starting in the morning, conclude at 12:45 hrs or 13:00 hs. Subsequently, students are required to attend an extra hour starting at 1:345 hrs, concluding at three o'clock. They again have classes from 20:00 hrs to 21.30 hrs. Students attending these classes utilize their free time in the evening," explained a secondary grade teacher.

Contrastingly, a primary grade teacher argued that extending hours may not be necessary for students to cover their syllabus. Instead, they adopt an approach of reducing practical components and increasing theoretical teaching.

"The sections essential for students remain the same, and comprehensively covering the entire syllabus in four months is impractical. Hence, lectures are prioritized, omitting practical parts due to the need for swift decision-making," stated the teacher.

In certain islands, additional hours have been introduced in the afternoon or evening for all grades to ensure syllabus coverage.

The current academic year 2023 is expected to conclude in April, accompanied by government-planned changes for the upcoming academic year. The academic session for the year 2024 will commence on May 26.

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