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Maps College announces November intake for MBA courses

Anaan Bushry
13 September 2023, MVT 16:30
Graduates of Maps College -- Photo - Maps College
Anaan Bushry
13 September 2023, MVT 16:30

The University of Bedfordshire is currently accepting applications for its November intake of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at Maps College.

This MBA program provides three distinct fields of specialization, including, MBA General, MBA Finance, and MBA Hospital and Health Services Management.

According to Maps College, the MBA Finance course is intended to help students aspiring to work in the field of financial management to further develop their skills and shape their career. The college also highlighted that the MBA Hospital and Health Services Management course is specifically designed for health professionals who want to pursue a career in management.

Maps College said that the course is delivered by experienced and high-quality lecturers.

Eligibility for the course is open to individuals with a bachelor's degree or a level 7 qualification recognized by the Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA). Individuals with level 5 or level 6 qualifications may also participate in the course after completing a pre-masters program at Maps College, provided they meet specific work experience requirements.

The classes for the program are held on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The total course fee is MVR 78,000, and students have the option to pay it in installments of MVR 5,200 per month over a 15-month period.

The course is scheduled to commence from November 19, 2023.

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