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State contracts the development of 3 hospitals across 3 atolls

Mohamed Rehan
17 January 2023, MVT 17:32
Ministry of Health contracts Duplex for the development of a 30-bed hospital in Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo-- Photo: Ministry of Health Ministry of Health contracts Duplex for the development of a 30-bed hospital in Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo-- Photo: Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health contracts Duplex for the development of a 30-bed hospital in Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo-- Photo: Ministry of Health
Mohamed Rehan
17 January 2023, MVT 17:32

The Maldives government has signed a MVR 501 million contract to develop 30-bed hospitals on three islands.

SAS-E Construction was contracted for the development of hospitals in Lhaviyani atoll Hinnavaru and Noonu atoll Kendhikulhudhoo. The project was handed over on January 5, and they are required to complete both projects within 18 months.

The Hinnavaru hospital project, worth MVR 185,810,605, includes the construction of a main building and an accommodation block. The hospital project in Kendhikulhudhoo, worth MVR 193,895,234 includes a similar scope.

The Ministry of Health on Monday, January 16 contracted Duplex for the development of a third hospital in Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo with an 18-month completion period for a total of MVR123,303,792.

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