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Election postponement amendment must be ratified immediately: Fayyaz

In a post on social media X, Fayyaz stated that it is important to hold elections in a manner that will encourage maximum public participation.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 February 2024, MVT 11:48
An MDP candidate submitting form for parliamentary election.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
19 February 2024, MVT 11:48

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Chairperson Fayyaz Ismail has called on the President to immediately ratify the amendment to the General Elections Act stipulating the postponement of the Parliament Elections to ten days after Ramadan.

In a post on social media X, Fayyaz stated that it is important to hold elections in a manner that will encourage maximum public participation. He alleged that holding the elections for people's representatives during the month of Ramadan narrows down people's fundamental right to vote.

As per the announcement from the Elections Commission, the parliamentary elections are slated to be held on March 17, during the first week of Ramadan. This created concerns amongst political parties, which led to MDP MP Mohamed Shifau submitting an amendment to the parliament to change the laws to allow postponement of the election to a date after the end of Ramadan.

Shifau proposed adding a clause to Article 43 of the General Elections Act. The proposed clause stated that no elections should be held within the month of Ramadan. Should an election date fall in Ramadan, it must be delayed to a date ten days after the conclusion of the month.

This amendment was passed through a vote in parliament of February 11. However, a week since, the amendment remains unratified. The government aligned MPs had, meanwhile, voted against the amendment.

As per the Constitution, the President must decide on a bill sent for ratification by the parliament within a maximum of fifteen days since receipt. If it is sent back without ratification within this period, a parliament majority can vote on the bill and consider it ratified if no additional changes are brought to it. And if 15 days pass without ratification, then again the bill can be considered ratified.