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Two Villin'gili Channels Closed Due to Safety Concerns

Anaan Bushry
05 March 2024, MVT 19:21
ThilaMale' bridge - an earlier picture of work in progress.
Anaan Bushry
05 March 2024, MVT 19:21

The closure of the channels connecting Male' to Villimale' and Villimale' to Gulhifalhu has been implemented as a response to growing safety concerns and persistent violations of established travel restrictions. Despite the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation's explicit ban on ship movement within these channels, there have been reported instances of continued traversing, notably by speed boats affiliated with resorts.

This decision to seal off these waterways is directly linked to the ongoing Male'-Thilafushi bridge link project, which involves extensive use of barges and self-elevated platforms for various construction activities. The deployment of numerous buoys and lines within these channels, intended for anchoring purposes, has raised significant apprehensions about the potential for accidents or mishaps.

In light of these safety concerns, a comprehensive public notification has been issued, formally announcing the closure of the specified channels. The ministry has underscored the importance of adhering to this closure, citing the heightened risk posed by the presence of construction-related infrastructure in the area.

Furthermore, the Transport Ministry has taken a stringent stance by warning that any vehicle, especially resort speed boats, found entering these prohibited channels may face severe consequences. Specifically, the ministry has explicitly stated that it reserves the right to withhold a captain's boat license for a duration of one month in the event of such violations.

This stringent enforcement not only aims to maintain safety standards but also underscores the government's commitment to ensuring the unimpeded progress of the Male'-Thilafushi bridge link project. The broader objective is to safeguard the well-being of maritime traffic in these crucial channels while simultaneously facilitating vital construction activities integral to the infrastructure development of the region.

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