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TikTok user expresses concern about illegal immigrants, gets appointed to task force

Mariyath Mohamed
26 January 2024, MVT 13:30
Tiktok star Hassan Shareef (L) meets with Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan (R).-- Photo: social media
Mariyath Mohamed
26 January 2024, MVT 13:30

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has met with a youth, Hassan Shareef, who made a tiktok video expressing concern about the rising numbers of illegal immigrants in Maldives. At the meeting, the Minister invited Shareef to work alongside the special taskforce the government has made to address the issue.

Posting on social media X, the Minister said that the concerns voiced by Shareef mirror the issues that he wishes to find solutions for during his tenure.

Ihusaan described Shareef as a patriotic individual, extending an invitation for him to work with the ministry's taskforce compiled to address the issue of illegal immigrants in the country.

As seen in the TikTok video, Shareef is of the opinion that foreigners are leading businesses in Maldives with the assistance of locals, taking over 99 percent of small businesses including fishing vessels and shops. He claims that the increase in illegal immigrants is an imminent threat to the country.