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PG yet to move on ACC's request to charge Mayor Shifa over corruption

Ahmed Aiham
02 November 2020, MVT 14:06
Mayor Shifa Mohamed addresses the press at a COVID-19 press conference. PHOTO: NEOC
Ahmed Aiham
02 November 2020, MVT 14:06

Prosecutor General's Office (PG), on Sunday, noted that it had yet to decide on charging incumbent Male' City Mayor Shifa Mohamed over allegations of corruption forwarded by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC).

ACC filed the request on September 30, after ACC's investigations over the development of a park on the South-East coast of Male' found that that the construction of on-site public toilets were handed over to Amin Construction without a bidding process or a legal agreement.

The institution further alleged that the construction of the facility commenced prior to receiving an official green-light from the state.

Although certain matters lodged at the PG Office are expedited, the matter raised against the mayor remains cold. However, an official at the PG Office said the institution is deliberating over pursuing the charges, adding that certain legal proceedings require additional time.

Meanwhile, Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has withdrawn from the case over a potential conflict of interest as he is related to the mayor.

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)-aligned Maafannu North Councilor Mohamed Fazeen first blew the whistle on the alleged scandal in October 2019. He noted that multiple companies were contracted for the park and that development operations were being conducted without approval from the council.