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No confidence motion against Eva tabled for Sunday

Mariyath Mohamed
29 November 2023, MVT 11:50
Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eva Abdulla
Mariyath Mohamed
29 November 2023, MVT 11:50

The no confidence motion against Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Galolhu North MP Eva Abdulla has been placed on the agenda for the upcoming Sunday's parliament sitting.

Notice of the motion was issued to Eva on November 20. The motion was signed by 49 members of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and independent member for Nolhivaram constituency Mohamed Nasheed Abdulla.

As per the parliament regulations, the motion needs to be placed on the agenda of the first sitting after the 14 day notice period ends.

As reasons for submitting the no confidence motion, MDP stated that Eva acted in self interest during the process of conducting the no confidence motion against Eva's relative and former Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed.

The party said that Eva had acted in contravention to the accord signed with MDP after leaving the party despite having been elected to parliament on the party's ticket.

They stated that this has resulted in the party's members losing confidence in Eva.

The General Purpose Committee has previously decided to grant Eva a period of thirty minutes to speak in response to the motion.

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