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HRCM's Rapid Response Team investigating Athhar's death case

Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) has stated that they are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Adam Athhar while in custody in Dhoonidhoo prison.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 September 2024, MVT 12:51
Mariyath Mohamed
03 September 2024, MVT 12:51

Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) has stated that they are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Adam Athhar while in custody in Dhoonidhoo prison.

Athhar passed away yesterday at IGMH while receiving treatment after attempting to take his own life through hanging.

HRCM said in a statement released last night that their Rapid Response Team had been activated immediately upon receiving news of Atthar attempting to take his own life. They are now looking into the circumstances surrounding his death.

The Commission is also looking into Police's use of force in apprehending Athhar on Thursday night, as well as Police actions in providing those injured in the incident with medical treatment.

HRCM said that they will also investigate how Police had acted in providing Athhar with medical treatment from the time he was taken into custody.

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