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Deserted old Jamaluddin School plot becomes dilapidated

The old Jamaluddin School land has been deserted for a long time and is in disarray, with weeds growing and the landscape becoming unappealing.

Malika Shahid
23 July 2024, MVT 19:19
Old Jamaluddin School plot -- Fayaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
23 July 2024, MVT 19:19

The land plot where the old Jamaluddin School was located has been deserted with no ongoing development work, leading the place to become dilapidated.

The Jamaluddin building was used as a campus of Maldives National University (MNU) after it was discontinued as a school. However, the place was used as an election center by the Elections Commission (EC) after it was taken from MNU.

During the previous government, part of the land was allocated to develop a new building for Arabiyya School, while the other half was for the expansion of the current Jamaluddin School. However, since no work had been carried out, the current government decided to build an underground parking zone with a park on the plot.

Old Jamaluddin School plot -- Fayaz Moosa

Housing, Land, and Urban Development Ministry and the Malé City Council unveiled a drawing of the park last February, close to the parliamentary elections. However, five months have passed and no physical work has started.

Previously, the old Jamaluddin land was allocated to a youth group to practice Baibalaa, a local sport. Since then, the place has not been used and is in disarray, with weeds growing and the landscape becoming unappealing. Some suspected drug addicts can also be seen frequenting the place.

"It won't be long before this place becomes a big dump. There's already garbage," a person living in the land's vicinity said.

A media official of the Ministry of Housing, Land, and Urban Development said the detailed design of the park and parking zone is underway, following which the terms of reference will be finalized and work will officially begin.