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Maldivian to discontinue Kooddoo operations

Maldivian is temporarily suspending operations to Kooddoo due to the airport's runway being in poor condition.

Ameera Osmanagic
11 October 2024, MVT 08:59
[File] A Maldivian Aero aircraft -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
11 October 2024, MVT 08:59

Citing deteriorating conditions of the runway, national flag carrier Maldivian Aero has announced the discontinuation of its operations to Gaafu Alifu atoll's Kooddoo Airport.

The decision was confirmed by the airline's Deputy Managing Director Ali Saleem, who detailed that the poor condition of the airport's runway and apron damaged two Maldivian aircrafts, resulting on both planes being grounded.

He said that flights were suspended because continuation of operations would endanger the safety of both the aircraft and passengers.

"We have been talking about Koodoo for a long time, even with the management. It has been brought to the attention of the [Civil] Aviation Authority as well," he said.

However, he assured that they would resume flights as soon as the runway is repaired.

Kooddoo Airport was first opened in 2012, and later reopened in 2017 after renovations to accommodate larger aircrafts.

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