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Opposition to EU over former President Yameen's imprisonment

Shahudha Mohamed
09 February 2020, MVT 18:25
Maduvvari MP and Deputy Leader of opposition People's National Congress (PNC) Adam Shareef meets the head of EU delegation Paula Pampaloni. PHOTO: MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
09 February 2020, MVT 18:25

The opposition, on Sunday, discussed former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom's imprisonment with the European Union (EU).

Deputy Leader of People's National Congress (PNC) and Minister of Defence in Yameen's tenure, Adam Shareef, discussed Yameen's incarceration with the Deputy Managing Director of External Action Service for Asia and Pacific, Paula Pampaloni, the head of the EU delegation in Maldives.

The EU delegation is in currently in Maldives for a meeting with the government. However, no details of the meeting have been revealed as of yet.

Former President Yameen was convicted of money laundering and sentenced to five years in prison on December 28, 2019.

Following the meeting with the EU delegation, Adam Shareef told local media Mihaaru that the opposition shared two main concerns with Pampaloni, which included former president Yameen's unjust trial, and the current challenges faced by the opposition.

"She [Pampaloni] listened to our concerns and assured that she would share these with the EU head office", Maduvvari MP Shareef said.

While Yameen's case has now been appealed at the High Court and hearings are ongoing, the opposition has maintained that Yameen's trial was unjust.

During the appeal hearings, former president's lawyers requested for his release on bail. However, during the hearing held last Thursday, High Court denied bail with the unanimous decision of three judges on the bench.

Their request to delay the implementation of the former President's sentence was also denied by the court, with the majority decision of two judges.