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Judges and police in cahoots with criminals: Saleem

MP Saleem made serious accusations against the judicial and law enforcement authorities of the country.

Ameera Osmanagic
18 July 2024, MVT 09:31
MP Ahmed Saleem of Eydhafushi constituency --
Ameera Osmanagic
18 July 2024, MVT 09:31

Serious crimes end up without convictions because judges and police are connected with the criminals, accused MP of Eydhafushi constituency Ahmed Saleem.

Speaking at the parliament on the bill to amend the law to allow bail, Saleem said it is a matter of great concern that crimes involving drugs and other serious crimes don't see convictions in Maldives anymore.

He went on to say that drug smugglers and those involved in big thefts do not hesitate to commit crimes anymore and that they are confident that they would escape conviction.

Even when cases move up to the trial phase following investigations, judges think of saving the perpetrators through some loop hole and no one gets punished, he went on to say.

"I will say that judges and some police are colluding to get the information to do this," Saleem said.

In his speech, he further added that the country's situation has severely deteriorated due to the lack of conviction and that even 13 year olds are active in criminal environments.

Additionally, drug lords behind smuggling order others to take responsibility of the crime, and cases have been concluded this way, he alleged, adding that this is planned out and happens frequently.

"If there is evidence, the crime will be proven. Police make reports enough to convict. Something goes missing somewhere down the line and [the suspects] get released," he said.

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