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A 1.6-kilowatt generator is the solution to Addu’s electricty crisis

Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited, Muaz Mohamed Rasheed, said that the current electricity issue faced by locals of Addu will be resolved very soon as Fenaka plans to procure a 1.6-kilowatt generator.

Uzma Naseem
27 March 2024, MVT 17:34
Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited stated that the electricity issue in Addu will be resolved very soon. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa/Mihaaru
Uzma Naseem
27 March 2024, MVT 17:34

Fenaka has announced that the issue of electricity cuts in the adjoining islands of Addu at certain hours can be resolved by procuring a 1.6-kilowatt generator and the work for it has already commenced.

Muaz Mohamed Rasheed, the Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited, informed ‘Mihaaru’ that 17 generators have already been installed to supply electricity to the adjoining islands of Addu. However, due to the high load, an additional 1.6-kilowatt generator is required.

Hence, they have initiated the process of procuring the generator. Due to a lack of adequate electricity supply to all the households in Addu islands, electricity outages occur at various hours daily throughout Ramadan. Addu Mayor, Ali Nizar, expressed his concerns stating that it imposes hardship on the locals.

“It is not easy to face electricity outages every evening during Ramadan”, he said. There are instances where there is no electricity for an hour or two”.

“When the electricity goes out, the water is also simultaneously cut off. As a result, the water reserve required cannot be maintained for 24 hours”.

Asked by ‘Mihaaru’ about the measures being taken to resolve Addu’s electricity issues, Muaz stated that they have been assigned to purchase a 1.6-kilowatt generator for Addu.

According to him, the generator will be available soon which will solve the electricity problem in Addu.

“We are currently in discussion with the government and working towards achieving it”, Muaz said. “This will effectively resolve the electricity issue in Addu”.

Generators worth MVR 2 million left to be damaged

Muaz stated that there are presently 17 generators operational in Addu, however, a few of them are undergoing repairs and the remaining generators are very old.

He further mentioned that the current electricity crisis stemmed from two megawatt gensets, which were transported to Addu, remained unused for a lengthy period of time.

“There were two megawatt gensets that remained unused; they were left exposed under the sun. We attempted maintenance work to bring them into operation”, he said. “However, we were unable to do so as they did not take any load due to leakage from various places”.

“This is what happened when it was destroyed. That is why we had to cut off electricity during Ramadan”.

He emphasized that these generators cost approximately MVR 2 million. Muaz attributed the delay in procuring the generators to the lack of funds but he said that the money has now been arranged and the purchase process is currently taking place.

“Since they are such big equipment, they are not manufactured. Despite this, the process is going very fast”, he said. “It will resolve the issue”.

Muaz said that before acquiring additional generators, efforts to transport a 1-megawatt generator from another island within the Maldives are currently also underway.

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