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President appoints two members to Fatwa Majlis

President has appointed two members to the Fatwa Majlis, with Dr Ali Zahir nominated as a representative from the academic staff of MNU or IUM, while Dr Moosa Anwar was appointed through nomination from the Islamic Ministry.

Aishath Shuba Solih
17 April 2024, MVT 17:31
Dr Moosa Anwar Hassan (L), Dr Ali Zahir (R).
Aishath Shuba Solih
17 April 2024, MVT 17:31

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has appointed two new members to the Supreme Council for Islamic Fatwa [Fatwa Majlis] today.

The two members appointed were Dr Moosa Anwar Hassan and Dr Ali Zahir.

Ministry of Islamic Affairs stated that Dr Ali Zahir was appointed in conformity of the law as the member nominated from amongst academic staff of the Maldives National University or the Islamic University of Maldives.

Meanwhile, Dr Moosa Anwar was appointed under the Ministry's counsel.

The council incepted under the Protection of the Religious Unity Among Maldivians Act - which mandates that the country, inclusive of its citizens and executive authorities must maintain religious unity - presently consists of five members.

Current Members of the Fatwa Majlis

- Dr Mohamed Rasheed Ibrahim - Member appointed by the President

- Dr Abdul Sattar Abdul Rahman - Member appointed by the President

- Dr Moosa Anwar Hassan - Member appointed on the counsel of the Islamic Ministry

- Dr Ali Zahir bin Saeed Qasim - Member appointed by the President from amongst academic staff of MNU or IUM

- Al-Sheikh Ilyas Hussain - Member appointed on the counsel of the Islamic Ministry

Fiqh Academy of Maldives was initially formed in 2008 during former President Mohamed Nasheed's administration fifteen years ago. Afterwards, it was conferred power through the constitution amid former President Abdulla Yameen's government.

Under an amendment brought to the Protection of the Religious Unity Among Maldivians Act that year, the Supreme Council for Islamic Fatwa was founded. Despite the Council operating productively during Yameen's tenure, the authority was thrown into disarray once the term of the five members of the council expired in 2021.

The most recent appointment of members to the council last year was also two years after the preceding members' term had concluded.

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