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Maldives launches MVR 1 billion megaproject with Japan to protect shores

Anaan Bushry
07 April 2023, MVT 00:08
Anaan Bushry
07 April 2023, MVT 00:08

A megaproject worth MVR 1 billion is set to be launched with the assistance of Japan to protect the Maldives' shores.

The project is funded by the Green Climate Fund in collaboration with the Maldives government and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology signed the agreement for the project titled 'Building Climate Resilient and Safe Islands in the Maldives' at a ceremony held on Thursday morning. Minister Aminath Shauna signed on behalf of the government, and JICA's Maldives representative signed on behalf of Japan.

The project is aimed at enhancing the protection of rural beaches and strengthening the weather disaster warning and information system, the ministry said in a statement. The initiative is also focused on increasing the ability to observe sea level rise and developing a system for monitoring rural beaches, lagoons and land use.

As part of the project, the ministry will also prepare Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), an inventory study, and a risk assessment to understand the current status of rural beaches and reefs.

According to the ministry, the project will also involve beach protection on some islands.

The islands are:

- Laamu atoll Maamendhoo

- Laamu atoll Fonadhoo

- Laamu atoll Gan

- Laamu atoll Isdhoo

- Feydhoo ward in Addu City (Seenu atoll)

The ministry said that coastal protection facilities will be installed in specific locations on these islands.

According to the ministry, the project received USD 25.1 million from the Green Climate Fund, USD 35.4 million from JICA and USD 5.5 million in local currency from the Maldives government.

The ministry said the project is in line with the government's strategic action plan to protect the country's islands from climate change, especially on inhabited islands.

The project was awarded for a period of six years.