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Fenaka fined MVR 50,000 for negligence in electrocution death in Ungoofaaru

Maldives Utility Regulatory Authority has today decided to levy a fine of MVR 50,000 against Fenaka Corporation after finding that they had been negligent in relation to the death of an 18 year old in Ungoofaaru by electrocution.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 19:16
The area in Ungoofaru where the 18 year old was electrocuted while trying to save two younger children.-- Photo: Ungoofaru.com
Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 19:16

Maldives Utility Regulatory Authority has today decided to levy a fine of MVR 50,000 against Fenaka Corporation after finding that they had been negligent in relation to the death of an 18 year old in Ungoofaaru by electrocution.

The 18 year old had been electrocuted after he tried to save two younger children from being electrocuted while playing outside in a puddle near a street lamp.

In a statement released by the Utility Regulatory Authority today, they said that they had looked into how the incident occurred, and found that it had occurred due to a failure to install safety equipment, specifically the earth leak circuit breaker and miniature circuit breaker, in the street lights.

It further said that the investigation revealed that street lights in many islands where Fenaka was providing service lacks the earth leak circuit breaker.

The authority said that it is fining Fenaka as the incident occurred directly due to the corporation's negligence. Fenaka was ordered to pay the fine of MVR 50,000 within 30 working days.

The authority also ordered Fenaka to install circuit breakers in all islands they provide service in within 30 days so as to avoid recurrence of similar tragedies. In the instance that they cannot be installed within 30 days, the authority instructed to temporarily suspend the service.

Fenaka Corporation has also said after a recent inspection that the street lights in most islands lack safety measures.