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Tourist occupancy rate at 63 percent

07 October 2018, MVT 12:45
One-millionth tourist for 2018 arriving in Maldives. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
07 October 2018, MVT 12:45

Ministry of Tourism has recorded 63 percent in tourist occupancy by the end of August.

According to statistics released by the tourism ministry, 972,839 tourists had visited the country up until the end of August. This is a 9.1 percent increase, in comparison with the figure during the same period last year.

China dominates the tourism market by ranking in first place in the top 10 countries to visit Maldives. As per August's statistics, 194,111 tourists from China have visited the country this year.

China is followed by the United Kingdom (75,205 Tourists), Germany (71,141 Tourists), Italy (69,787 Tourists), India (51,075 Tourists), Russia (47,292 Tourists), France (35,117 Tourists), United States of America (27,066 Tourism), Japan (26,542 Tourists) and Australia with 23,929 Tourists.

Tourism Ministry stated that a total of 6,270,308 days were spent by tourists until the end of August, which is an increase of 12 percent in comparison with the figure during the same period last year. On average, tourists spend 6.4 days in the Maldives.

The Maldives currently offers more than 42,800 tourist beds, while more and more resorts are cropping up across the archipelago.

The peak tourism season in the Maldives is the duration of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, usually between November and April. Some resorts commonly reach full occupancy during this period as tourists spend Christmas and New Year vacations in the country.