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MNP no longer represented in parliament

Mariyath Mohamed
21 November 2023, MVT 11:14
MNP Leader Nazim.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
21 November 2023, MVT 11:14

Maldives National Party (MNP) has lost its representation in parliament following the resignation of the party's Villiamale' constituency MP Ahmed Usham.

MNP had three members in parliament; Usham, Thimarafushi MP Abdulla Riyaz and Dhan'gethi MP Mohamed Nazim. Usham has now resigned from his MP position in order to take up the position of Attorney General in the new administration.

MNP held the opportunity of parliamentary representation as it had three members in parliament. It has lost this right with the resignation of Usham.

Parliament Speaker Mohamed Aslam said in today's sitting that according to parliament regulations, a party will lose right of representation if, for any reason, their members reach an amount less than three.

Speaker Aslam said that here onwards Riyaz and Nazim would be considered as independent members by the parliament.

It was also announced today that former independent MP Ibrahim Naseem of Thulusdhoo constituency has now been added to the People's National Congress (PNC) registry.

The parliament now consists of 56 MDP members, 13 The Democrats members, 2 PPM members, 2 PNC members, 2 MDA members, 2 JP members and 4 independent members.

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