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National football team set for matches next month

After a year, the senior national football team is set to play matches next month.

Malika Shahid
16 October 2024, MVT 14:03
Maldives National Football team in an earlier match -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
16 October 2024, MVT 14:03

After a year, the senior national football team is set to play matches next month.

FAM Normalization Committee (NC) Chairman Ahmed Zuhoor stated that the senior national team is actively seeking match opportunities.

The national team last played in October of last year, having not competed since the second leg against Bangladesh in the World Cup qualifying play offs.

FIFA will have an international break in the middle of next month, during which the team hopes to secure matches. The national team will be coached by Ali Suzen.

Later this month, Maziya will travel to Kuwait to compete in the AFC Challenge League group stage. The entire squad will participate in practice following those matches.

Bangladesh qualified for the playoffs after defeating the Maldives in two leg matches last year. With the Maldives not securing a spot in the qualifiers, the national team has faced a period of inactivity.

In the past year, six other countries besides Maldives in the region have played matches during international breaks.

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