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Global Cimate Strike sparks action across Maldives

Mariyam Malsa
26 September 2019, MVT 19:19
Climate Strikes in Addu, (T, L) Kulhudhuffushi, Haa Dhaalu Atoll (B, L) Fuvahmulah ( T, R) Kamadhoo, Baa Atoll (B, R). PHOTO CREDITS: COACH SHUJAU, AFA HUSAYN, LUJAIN HASAN, FAZULU FAZ.
Mariyam Malsa
26 September 2019, MVT 19:19

Several climate protests were staged across Maldives on Thursday as part of the Global Climate Strike.

Citizens from the southernmost atoll of Addu commenced their protest at 0745 hrs with the participation of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Addu and Addu Nature Park. Before the event concluded at 1000 hrs, Addu's Deputy Mayor Mohamed Yasrif and Councillor Jamsheedha Mohamed briefly visited the strike along with some council staff.

In Kulhudhufushi, Haa Dhaal Atoll, a strike began at 1000 hrs in front of the premises of the island council. The protestors called for immediate implementation of measures to protect the island's mangrove. Over 16 hectares of the prized wetland were reclaimed for a controversial airport development project.

Following the strike, protesters held discussions with the Kulhudhuffushi Council concerning their demands.

BeLeaf, a youth-led environmental NGO based in Kulhudhuffushi also held a similar protest on September 20.

Additionally, Fuvahmulah Dive School, Environmental NGO One Fuvahmulah and the island council launched their protest at 1630 hrs. The protestors opted to make their stand for urgent climate action at Bodu Fannu beach in the ward of Dhandimagu, an area vulnerable to erosion.

Students in Kamadhoo, Baa Atoll, expressed the need for serious climate action through artistic means at an event held at their school.

Furthermore, Save Maldives, a local environmental movement also arranged a student protest in the capital city of Male' while Maldives Open Source Society (MOSS) hosted a strike on Wednesday. Another major protest, planned by private consultancy firm AYHA is scheduled to take place in the reclaimed suburb of Hulhumale' on Friday.

The global strike was inspired as a result of 16-year-old Swedish national Greta Thunberg's lone protest outside the Swedish Parliament building in 2018 citing political inaction against climate change. Her actions sparked a worldwide movement dubbed 'School Strike for Climate', which has since become one of the leading youth-led climate change organizations in the world.

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