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Dhiraagu's speedboat offer ends tonight

Ameera Osmanagic
15 December 2024, MVT 20:51
The speedboat offered by Dhiraagu -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru The speedboat offered by Dhiraagu -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
The speedboat offered by Dhiraagu -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
15 December 2024, MVT 20:51

The opportunity to participate in Dhiraagu's biggest promotion of the year, "Win a Speed Boat" expires tonight.

Eligible customers can participate in the promotion by enrolling on the "Win a Speedboat" portal.

The promotion was launched in conjunction with Dhiraagu's anniversary and customers who have postpaid packages over MVR 400, fibre packages over 40M and prepaid customers who recharge over MVR 400 would be able to participate in the promotion. Those who newly join the network and take packages over these prices will also be eligible.

The promotion is offering Alshali Marine's "Magellan 32" launch. The boat is 32 feet long and can accommodate 12 people. It will also come with two Yamaha 175 horsepower engines, as well as a comfortable deck, cozy cabin and kitchen.

This is a suitable boat for picnics or fishing trips, says Dhiraagu. The promotion launched last September and is open until 11:59 pm tonight.

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