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Minister Zameer meets with USAID, discussion held on strengthening economic growth

Minister Zameer met with USAID's Administator Samantha Power during his current visit to the US, focusing discussions on enhancing the country's economy.

Ameera Osmanagic
25 June 2024, MVT 21:03
Foreign Minister of Maldives Moosa Zameer (R) meeting with Administrator of USAID Samantha Power (L) -- Photo: Foreign Ministry
Ameera Osmanagic
25 June 2024, MVT 21:03

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer met with USAID's Administrator Samantha Power today, during his official visit to the United States.

Following the meeting, Minister Zameer in a post on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), said that he conveyed appreciation for the contributions of USAID towards the Maldives' development journey.

A press statement issued by USAID, further detailed that Administrator Power reinforced USAID’s commitment to advancing its partnership with the Maldives to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, protect the environment, and strengthen democratic institutions.

Discussions also touched on efforts to respond to the "country's looming debt crisis" and finalising Maldives' commitment to join the Open Government Partnership, and work with USAID on an initiative to link resort and local islands to strengthen economic growth, the statement reads.

"The Administrator and Foreign Minister also discussed the Maldivian government’s vision for decentralization through local governance and USAID’s continued support for building the capacity of local island councils and women’s development committees," USAID stated.

Over the years, United States has partnered with the Maldivian government via USAID focusing on protecting the environment, augmenting democratic governance, and strengthening public financial management.

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