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Fisheries expert Ahmed Hafiz passes away

Local fisheries expert and long term public servant Ahmed Hafiz passed away from cancer today.

Ameera Osmanagic
29 May 2024, MVT 16:18
[File] Late Ahmed Hafiz --
Ameera Osmanagic
29 May 2024, MVT 16:18

Seasoned public servant who served the Maldivian government in various capacities in sports, education and fisheries Ahmed Hafiz has passed away today.

Hafiz, who is originally from Ziyaaraiydhoshuge of Maafannu district in Malé City passed away at the age of 62 while receiving treatment for cancer at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), his family said.

During his time in the Fisheries Ministry, he played an active role in formulating policies and creating awareness about the fisheries industry. He also served as the editor of Ras Ain, the annual journal of the Fisheries Ministry, and as State Minister of the country's Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Hafiz is also very well versed in marine research and naming newly discovered fish species in the Maldives. In fact, he was among of the few people who know about the species of fish that live in Maldivian waters.

Hafiz was so well known in the field that scientists named a fish discovered in Maldives after him; Pterygotrigla Hafizi.

"Even after his retirement, he spent time in field, providing consultancy," a relative highlighted about the self taught expert.

Apart from his role in the marine and fisheries sphere for which he was conferred a national award of recognition, Hafiz also worked for Ahmadhiyya School for about 20 years as well, in roles such as Sports Supervisor to Senior Assistant Principal of the school.

He also served the local basketball association for many years, and even held the title of the associations's president. His love for sports also saw him actively managing Club Valencia, a local football club, and serving the football scene in many other ways as well.

Hafiz also diversified his contributions and worked on the board of local telcom company Dhiraagu.

Hafiz is survived by two children.

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Fisheries Death
